Suzanne Virgona

Suzanne is adept at striking the right balance between strategy and execution. Her empathy and devoted attention to her clients enable her to consistently suggest the most creative ideas, use the right language, and evoke the desired emotions. Throughout her career, she has carved out a unique niche as an English-speaking consultant and writer within francophone teams. In her view, having a foot in each of the “two solitudes” is both a challenge and a gift.

Suzanne’s well-rounded skill set in corporate communications, gained through stints in telecommunications (Cogeco Communications, TELUS), insurance (AON Hewitt, Standard Life) and publishing (McGraw Hill), enable her to grasp a multitude of environments with ease.

For over 15 years, she has worked with both internal and external clients, from C-suite executives to practice professionals. This experience has refined her communications expertise in both English and French, with particular emphasis on drafting clear and concise messaging. Suzanne is skilled at managing complex, highly-strategic projects such as mergers and acquisitions, collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, and executing strategies to help her clients exceed their objectives.

A member of the Exponentiel team since 2023, Suzanne continues to distinguish herself through her deep dives into sensitive situations and her openness to a variety of different perspectives, which help her identify the best possible solutions to address the challenges her clients face.

A writer at heart, Suzanne holds an Honours Bachelor in Film Studies from Concordia University as well as a Certificate in Public Relations Management from McGill.

She loves life at Exponentiel because…

The agency enables me to find creative ways to help my clients - non-profits and businesses of every size - stand out. I enjoy guiding organizations to move beyond their entrenched habits and test the limits of what they're willing to do. Through close collaboration, I help them step out of their comfort zones to reach new heights of creativity and innovation, so they can achieve their desired outcomes.

What’s most important to her

I’m excited to work with organizations such as Chez Doris and La tête chercheuse who are dedicated to helping women at various stages of their lives and help them make the most of their current situations.

Her Exponentiel attitude: strategic innovation

I enjoy finding unique solutions that add value because they align with an overall plan and strategy.